If the injured area is swollen, use a bandage to wrap it so as to decrease the inflammatory. One of the most common causes of moon face is the steroid medication prednisone. Allergic. Use of cold compress will help you minimize the pain, inflammation or the blackening which accompanies the injury. These fat deposits cause your face to appear much rounder and lead to moon face. Exfoliation is one of the most important aspects of any beauty regimen. However, you are encouraged to carry an allergy test before using it over your body. Nonpituitary tumors -- such as tumors of the. Mix the gel with vitamin E oil for enhanced effectiveness. They flood the system and cause a condition called Cushings syndrome. Your risk of developing these signs depends on the dose of medication and how long you take it. A great way to lower your salt intake is to eat less processed foods, such as canned or frozen foods. What do I need to do to get rid of my moon face? Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, 6 Minutes of Exercise May Protect Brain From Alzheimer's, 'Disturbing' Rate of Adverse Events During Hospital Stays. So lets hope and this isn't my moon face.my moon face looks like a squash with a wide base..or jabba the hut. Squamous cell blepharitis is another name for nonulcerative blepharitis. Bags under eyes. It depends on how high of a dose you were on and how long you were on it. Neuroendocrinology. This is one of the most common ways to help alleviate your external hemorrhoids pain and discomfort. (2018). With steroid use, an increase in appetite and food intake may contribute to weight gain. This post originally appeared on The Mighty. I was on pred for about 3 years. We avoid using tertiary references. Whats the outlook for people with moon face? Answer: Cushing's face from prednisone. This allows drying of the bruises for a faster healing. I dont mind when you say that I look pregnant. Nesheiwat says this can be life-threatening and most often requires an EpiPen to treat. I was asked loads of times when i was due..not very nice but the joy of saying i'm not and have someones face dropeased my pain..(sorry that's kinda mean). Baking soda is an easy to reach ingredient in your kitchen. However, the following strategies may help prevent moon face in some people: Moon face is not a harmful medical condition, and people do not need to treat it. How to get rid of a Cyst using Witch Hazel 5. Everyone is different. Use symptom-relieving gels and lotions. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. The adrenal glands, triangular-shaped glands that sit on top of the kidneys, release the cortisol. [3] Remember to store the drugs well to avoid hydrolysis or undergoing any other chemical degradation of pharmaceutical products. It is the result of high hormone levels that cause fat to deposit at the sides of the face. Whats the Difference Between a Chalazion and a Hordeolum (Stye)? What to Know When Taking Prednisone. There are many medical and nonmedical methods you can use to reduce the swelling or inflammation youre faced with. Egg whites. Moon face, also known as moon facies, is not a medical diagnosis. Sarcoidosis Support Community in Partnership with Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research. This ointment is usually available in many forms including gels, creams and the plant itself. She shot the video in what appears to be her bathroom. According to a 2019 case report, in rare cases, steroid treatments trigger Cushings syndrome. Using a cotton cloth, cover the affected area by winding the cloth on the bruise. Weight gain, Cushings syndrome, and other medical conditions can cause a swollen and puffy face. How to get rid of a Cyst using Lugol's Iodine 6. How does prednisone treat an asthma flare-up? Last medically reviewed on October 16, 2018. Upon waking, wash your face with cool water to reduce swelling. Face swelling that occurs, This article includes pictures of swelling in various parts of the body and covers the underlying causes of swelling. In some cases, your doctor might even take you off steroids altogether, especially if youre having a lot of side effects. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You can apply the herb directly to the injuries or consume it through the mouth. While many people have terrible side effects its not guaranteed you will experience all of them I didnt. Don't pick your face. Let the bandage stay on the hand overnight then remove it in the morning. If you have Cushings syndrome or hypothyroidism, treating the condition itself can eliminate moon face. Gut-brain connection: 3 fatty acids may be linked to tau-mediated damage, Study in humans confirms link between Parkinson's and gut bacteria imbalance, Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Stem cell treatment may prevent worsening of symptoms. It can take about a year, though, for your body and face to return to their pre-corticosteroid states. This extra body fat puts you at risk for metabolic syndrome. [contact-form-7 id="7042 . You need to taper, or gradually reduce, your dosage of corticosteroids. Some conditions that can cause moon face include: Cushings syndrome occurs when your body produces or receives too much of the hormone cortisol. Getentrepreneurial.com: Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. It usually disappears pretty quickly though. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day may help to keep the body healthy[4]. Stubbing your feet on hard objects is very common. I did gain a few pounds, but overall the symptoms were almost nonexistent. Mouth wash is an often used home remedy that helps you get rid of bruises inside your mouth or lips as well as preventing bad breath. In cases where home remedies fail to give the desired results, you are advised to seek medical attention. But can one drain by itself? Lycopene is rich in anti-oxidant, which will remove pigmentation on face. Official answer by Drugs.com Facial swelling can be a symptom of a range of medical conditions. Adding prednisone to my biologic made my life easy and less painful. She explains that various cells in our body release chemicals in response to an insult to the face or other body part, whereas inflammatory cells are activated by trauma or after surgery, which then causes the swelling. A lower dosage of steroids may also reduce the symptoms. Occasionally, the injuries may be extremely painful requiring use of painkillers. Moon face can be a symptom of Cushings syndrome or a side effect of steroids like prednisone. In other cases, medicine, radiation therapy, or physical therapy can help. Moon face can also occur as a symptom of other health conditions, including Cushings syndrome and hypothyroidism. You are advised to use a warm compress after every 24 hours as this helps remove the blood that may have accumulated from the injuries or in the area near the wound. Egg white is a great way to tighten face skin thanks to its skin firming and skin tightening properties[12]. You can apply the herb directly to the injuries or consume it through the mouth. The answer may be in what you ate last night. You mean you don't like the moon face? Try to watch what you eat, stay hydrated and, if possible, get a moderate amount of exercise. Depending on the type and severity of the injury, you may also have swelling in other areas. Getting rid of your sunspots. We know you love to squeeze them but stop. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Symptoms usually occur as the result of long-term use of oral steroids. 2. Learn about how to prevent, detect, and treat it. Nesheiwat says you can reduce mild swelling and bruising on the face with ice, hydration, arnica, and bromelain (pineapple enzyme). When your moon face is caused by prednisone or another steroid, the simplest treatment is often to reduce your dosage. These can range from minor, easily-treatable ailments, to more serious conditions requiring urgent medical attention. Home Gout What Is The Fastest Way to Get Rid of Gout? You may receive prednisone if you have an acute asthma attack. There are no overnight fixes for moon face. Some research also links moon face to diseases and disorders such as Cushing's syndrome. I dont know if it works or not, but, Sarah Hyland / screenshot Instagram Stories. It will look at the emotional and physical affects, as well as the options for moon face treatment. Many people also gain weight around the abdomen and middle of the body. Additionally, when you have gum bruises, use of fluoride rinses will help you recover faster from the infection. What it is: "Contact dermatitis occurs when something that touches the skin . Generally, moon face will go away when the cause is treated. Cut fresh aloe Vera leaves and extract the gel. With this symptom, a patient's face will show significant swelling and appear much rounder than usual. Pour 1/3 of a cup of. Use of ginger. When the bruise is infected with some microorganisms and there are blisters or any other signs around the injury. Whether you're attacked by poison ivy or have inflammatory bowel disease symptoms that affect your quality of life, taking prednisone can be a game-changer. Some of the more common ways to reduce facial swelling include: Facial swelling is a common reaction to anything from eating a lot of salt to experiencing a major medical emergency. Moon face is not dangerous, but some people find that it affects their self-esteem. All rights reserved. Identifying the possible cause of the swelling helps determine the most appropriate treatment. Salty foods might make your face look puffier and rounder. The shape of my abdomen changed while on pred and even though I have lost a significant amount of weight, my abdomen still looks huge compared to the rest of my body. I hope my pounds shed as well as your sons did. Tomorrow I have a job interview and I don't feel at all confident. You are less likely to suffer withdrawal symptoms in a slow gradual weaning. Baking soda is a natural exfoliator. I know the feeling Heidi. This happens because fat deposits shift, causing your cheeks to get puffy and your jawline to fill out. Moon face symptoms typically resolve when you stop taking prednisone or other corticosteroids. Last medically reviewed on April 28, 2022, Facial puffiness tends to result from fluid retention, and this can have many causes. Learn how your comment data is processed. If the swelling is a result of an injury or allergy, you should seek medical attention before trying any type of at-home treatment or remedy. Treating the syndrome also treats the associated facial and back symptoms. Apply an exfoliating sheet mask for acne. Long-term use of steroids such as prednisone can cause many of the same signs and symptoms of Cushing's syndrome. You drinking your gallon of water a day? Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Subcutaneous-this type normally occur just beneath the skin. Its complex effects include the weight gain, malignancies and a range of, A person's face can become swollen in response to injuries, allergic reactions, infections, and other medical conditions. If you think prednisone or similar medications are affecting your emotional or mental state, talk to your healthcare provider about changing your dosage. External signs and symptoms, such as bruising or bleeding can also indicate an internal facial or head injury. It helps to freshen the body, remove toxins from the system, lower inflammation, and fade away melasma spots. Read our, Jay Yepuri, MD, MS, is board-certified in gastroenterology. Other steroids in the corticosteroid family can also lead to the development of moon face. [1] Studies done by volunteers in the University of Georgia reported that consumption of ginger on daily basis minimizes muscle pain caused by exercise with 25 percent. Swelling that makes your face round, full, and puffy is known as moon face. So it can be helpful to hear from others who have been through it so you have some idea what can happen. There are some mildly effective at-home treatments for sunspots, including aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, black and green tea, and vitamins C and E. When those aren't enough, we offer the . Raising your head a bit will also help minimize the flow of blood from the bruised tissue. It does goes away in time. I hate being over weight like I am now. Depending on your tolerance, most doctors will tell you to do this at least three times a day. How quickly the dosage is lowered depends on how long you've been taking the drug and what dosage. [I wish Id known] to go to the grocery store for healthy foods first because I eat everything in sight., 6. Weight gain, sleeplessness, thinning bones causing multiple fractures in my feet and in turn chronic pain. Often, you will get injuries in the legs through falling or when an object bumps on your leg. I am currently 17 and suferring from nephrotic syndrome my doctor gave me prednisolone doses 60 mg and slowly lowered the dose and tapered in 8 monthsi got moon face but no hump back and little neck swelling,i did not gained any weight because i exercised daily and followed a good routine my moon face started going in about one and a half month and after 3-4 months it is now almost gone and today i would say i look like as i was before i ate no fats,less salt,drunk more water,exercised daily(walking mainly),stayed positive undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. If you have just a few little bumps here and there, you may want to try an over-the-counter (OTC) product first. The type and extent of any jaw surgery youre healing from can also dictate how long generalized facial swelling lasts. It will help to reduce redness, swelling, and pain. People who suddenly gain weight despite making no changes to their diet or lifestyle should consider contacting a doctor. Have a healthy diet and reach out of all junk foods, oily foods, and greasy foods. Its our bodys reaction to protecting or fighting off an infection or exposure to an allergen or chemical or trauma, she adds. ACG clinical guideline: Management of Crohns disease in adults. Parsley helps in relieving pain and controls the blood clotting process. These include: Some people with moon face may find that it affects their self-esteem. If youre taking a corticosteroid, reducing or stopping the medication can eliminate moon face. The exercise will give a total facelift, pointed chin and sharp jawbones. But is it safe to take them together? Feelings of sadness or depression often come with corticosteroid use, and dealing with moon face and your appearance may add to them. This includes: When moon face isnt a side effect of a corticosteroid medication, its often a symptom of a condition thats affecting your body. Your treatment for moon face will depend on the cause. In addition to this, you can visit your health specialist in the following circumstances; Below are some bruises that you may experience on your body parts and their remedies. The stronger the retinoid, the more likely it is. Earlier this month, she hit back again at body-shamers, this time calling out a Life & Style article that suggested she had gotten plastic surgery. Alongside vitamin C, pineapple contains bromelain, which are digestive enzymes that break down proteins that hold fluids in the body tissues after injuries. Moon face symptoms aren't painful, but they can be stressful and affect your sense of self-esteem. This is called hyperadrenocorticism or hypercortisolism. Amber J. Tresca is a freelance writer and speaker who covers digestive conditions, including IBD. You might be prescribed prednisone if youve had an organ transplant or if youve been diagnosed with: Prednisone has several side effects, including: This is because long-term use of prednisone affects your adrenal gland and your bodys hormone production. After soaking and drying the area, you can apply a small amount for relief. So, its a good idea to talk with your doctor about any changes youre considering making. It could also be due to a minor or, Sometimes your immune system will identify a substance as harmful, even though it isn't. It's not the same for everyone so be patient. Finally, if you're looking for a more natural way to get rid of acne dead skin, consider using a mixture of baking soda and water. You can soak your feet in salt water so as to clean the injury as well as maintaining better blood circulation on the bruised toenail. We avoid using tertiary references. Crush the aspirin and mix it with a little water to form a paste. Though not harmful or painful, moon face can be difficult to live with. Treatment for Cushing's syndrome depends on what is causing it. Now, she's sharing information with fans about "moon face," swelling caused by prednisone, one of the medications she now has to take regularly. When you have moon face, the shape of your face gradually changes and gets fuller. For those on prednisone I know what youre going through and I commend you sticking it out as I have.. Nesheiwat says you can reduce mild swelling and bruising on the face with ice, hydration,. You wont receive treatments specifically to reduce your moon face. Then do the rest of your face (eye area, cheek area, above and below. Its important to be patient. With this symptom, a patients face will show significant swelling and appear much rounder than usual. But theres some evidence that it occurs more often in women and in people with higher weight when they begin taking prednisone. Moon face :D goes away pretty quickly depending on your normal dose of steroids, I have had my dose put up and down over the last year and once i drop below `10mg the puff face goes away, but i have been on steroids since 2005 except for when i was pregnant so I suppose my body is kind use to it. the moon face goes away but the extra weight!!!! Last night I was helping my nanny organization do a charity dinner and the nannies commented on my puffy face. They typically go away within a few weeks with home treatment. Well, for men, the answer is fairly simple. Intramuscular bruises occur on underlying muscles between the skin and bone. Be patient, things should improve. Chaudhry HS, et al. Hold the position for 15 secs and repeat it 10 times. I just need to interview in Japan I guess. Additionally, as you treat the face, ensure that you rest to prevent any further bleeding. In this case, you need to read the instructions before using the drugs for some may have irritating side effects. The problem with prednisone is that it can dehabilitate you while you are on it, and create a lack of energy to work out, and even show symptoms fo bone weakening and worse, osteoporosis. This form of blepharitis is usually caused by an allergic reaction. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Nesheiwat, J. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Gout is one of those health conditions that can strike just about anyone. Due to its antiseptic properties, the bruise will go away after sometime. You can also use aloe Vera juice. Being informed and discussing issues with your healthcare providers can help you to improve your health and your quality of life. When combined with milk, it works to combat the issue of broken capillaries on your face, chin, and nose efficiently. This can be as a result a serious underlying condition that may require serious examination. Consider asking your healthcare providers about support groups. Aloesin also increases the elasticity of the skin. These products can take 3-6 months to work. Stay hydrated. Sustaining an injury to your face can result in swelling in the area where the injury occurred. But if you have mild swelling or a rash, Nesheiwat says its reasonable to take an antihistamine and use a cold pack. The deepest type occurs on the bones. I get medication through IV every six weeks. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. Youll need to make sure youre eating enough calcium to combat this. Egg White And Gram Flour. But it may make you feel self-conscious. Moreover, bruises on the toenails or heels may be caused by putting on too tight foot wears. Your doctor will be able to help you determine the exact cause of the swelling and recommend the appropriate treatment plan. Check out what our Mighty community said when we asked what they wish they knew when they started prednisone. You can go for Laser treatment for pigmentation with the advice of your dermatologist. First, she showed a serum from the brand Caudalie that she said she puts on her face as much as possible. Sometimes, the condition of your wound can be severe and therefore requiring treatment. But the condition can be challenging because it can affect your confidence and self-image. Cushing's syndrome. What medication causes moon face? We're all different with how we react to it. A dose of tropical arnica will help you cure bruises faster than you can expect. This article was originally published on Dec. 6, 2017, Julianne Moore Destroyed Her Eyebrows As A Teen, A Mom Is Defending Her Decision To Allow Her 9 Year Old To Get A Nose Ring, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. It could be from a salty meal, a bout of crying, or too little sleep. This incident can leave your toenails injured or even the heel. In fact, ignore most "DIY remedies" - these do more harm than good. Facial swelling is not uncommon and can happen as a result of an injury, allergy, medication, infection, or other medical condition. How To Remove Blemishes On Face Calamine Lotion Cocoa Butter Baking Soda Egg White Apple Cider Vinegar Aloe Vera Gel Honey Potato Juice Lemon Juice Toothpaste Neem Papaya Shea Butter Yogurt Mask Turmeric Face Mask Tomato Garlic Oatmeal Mask Oils The Most Popular Home Remedies For Blemishes 1. Nonpituitary tumors -- such as tumors of the. These factors will determine the approach you take to reduce the swelling. This 100% natural clay mask is infused with lots of goodies that'll revitalize your acne-prone skin. Youll take less and less until your body adjusts and you can safely stop the steroid. I saw a significant decrease within a few months but it took 2 years for my moon face to fully go away. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Cushing syndrome symptoms can include: Moon face is often just thought of as an annoying side effect of prednisone, but it can significantly affect your quality of life. By Amber J. Tresca For this to work, wrap the ice cube in a cloth so it's not directly against your skin and place it on the pimple for 20 to 30 seconds, followed by a minute or so of rest. The benefits come with some possible downsides. I fought so hard to stay off it tooo. Moon face is not dangerous, but some people find that it affects their self-esteem. Calamine Lotion For Blemishes You Will Need 1. 5. A homemade baking soda paste can work efficiently on your awful blisters. In some instances, peoples faces seem to be dramatically altered by extra fat and water retention. For example, taking prednisone can also cause you to lose bone minerals. What You Need to Know About Acanthamoeba Keratitis. Although its a common issue, having itchy eyes is rarely ever a serious health concern. [I wish I knew that] I would still be on it 20 years later! Anabolic steroids moon face, fastest way to get rid of moon face - Buy steroids online . 10 Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Razor Bumps Fast 1. The first step would be coming off prednisone if you're still on it. Keep reading to learn more about the different causes of moon face, how to manage it, and how to minimize its impact on self-esteem. She also demonstrated another massage tool she uses, a roller by the brand Nurse Jamie. They should never do this without speaking with a doctor first. This type of central obesity is the most common feature of Cushing's syndrome. Too much cortisol, though, is a problem. In this article, we examine the, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. 1. 1. Chin Lift Exercise: Standing still, lean your head backward so that you face the ceiling. If you need to be on prednisone for medical reasons then that's a different story. Steroid side effects swelling face, fastest way to get rid of moon face - Buy legal anabolic steroids . Chanson P, Salenave S. Metabolic syndrome in Cushings syndrome. 4. Prices from $0.4 per One dose prednisone 5 mg online buy. Yes, the moon face does go away. Add any text here or remove it. In some cases, a surgeon can remove a tumor. In May, she responded to people who had been criticizing her body, explaining that she had been on bed rest for a few months and had lost muscle mass. They can make a persons face look swollen, puffy, and round. You are therefore advised to eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Is It Safe to Take Tylenol with Prednisone? That means it can dry your blisters and remove the dead skins faster. Also called moon face, this is usually not serious. One of the most common causes of moon face is the steroid medication prednisone. All rights reserved. Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins from the blood stream. Moon Facies: Causes and Treatment Increased release of a hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary gland; ACTH prompts the adrenal gland to produce cortisol. I dont know what Im doing.. If you're looking to get rid of the red itchy skin forever, then it can really help to look at what's around us. But first of all, let's see what moon face actu This will minimize the pain and bumps caused by the injuries. Moreover, vitamin C has anti-inflammatory effects that helps in reducing pain and swelling. 2013;9(1):30. doi:10.1186/1710-1492-9-30, Oakley RH, Cidlowski JA. Nesheiwat says if you have any headaches, bruising, or bleeding, you need to see a doctor immediately. Answer (1 of 6): Steroid "Moon face" "Moon face" What is it, how can I get it and What do I do about it, does it ever end? Dont sleep with your makeup on because inflammation of the skin contributes to the facial swelling you see in the morning. For instance, you can use lavender corrector in case of a yellow discoloration. When this happens, it's called an allergic reaction. If you have a puffy face, it's a good indication that there's some water retention going on. "Using a chemical exfoliant [such as] glycolic acid, lactic acid and salicylic acidis one of the best things you can do for your blemish-prone skin. American Journal of Gastroenterology. The caffeine will instantly de-puff as it draws toxins from the skin and increases circulation to the area to get rid of any puffiness. But its dangerous to just stop taking a steroid. You are therefore advised to use this by gargling it in your mouth for around 30 seconds. The primary risk factor for developing moon face is taking prednisone for a long period of time. One common cause of moon face is the use of certain medications, including the steroid prednisone. Rinse the toothpaste with lukewarm water. Fat deposits in the sides of the skull can also make the face look rounder. It is a small price to pay for the beneficial effect of controlling your immune system. Plus, it promotes a healthy balance of your skin's natural oils, preventing future breakouts. This inflammation means that people with this condition may have moon face. It can be difficult to diagnose Cushing's syndrome. For questions or concerns regarding health, please consult a doctor or medical professional. 1. Your doctor can put you on a lower dose. When you have a bruise, use of a cloth soaked in cold water can help you manage the injuries. And it might take a few weeks to have it fully go away. Repeat this twice daily for 5 to 6 days to achieve the desired results. Over time, being on a lower dose will reduce the appearance of moon face. Hyland has been open about using prednisone and the frustrating ways it changes her body. You are encouraged to repeat this every morning to achieve the desired results. You are only going to spread that gunk around your face more and cause worse problems. As a result, the body stores excess glucose as energy in the form of fat. All rights reserved. Consumption of pineapples helps in healing of wounds. Avoid foods high in salt because they can worsen moon face. any advice would be great, thanks This ointment is usually available in many forms including gels, creams and the plant itself. The jaw release exercise engages your higher cheekbones and the jawline to reduce that extra flab of fat on your chin. Columbia Adrenal Center. Start with your forehead, and move five times from the center to the side of the face and then down to the ear and neck. Apply fresh aloe vera gel on the dark spots before bedtime. Bleach You Will Need 1/4 cup of household bleach Bathwater What You Have To Do Add one-fourth cup of bleach to your bathwater and mix well. What you need to know about prednisone. These symptoms usually go away once a person stops treatment. When the bumps are too strong, they rapture therefore damaging the blood vessels which results in internal bleeding of the lips. If you cant discontinue the medication, there are things you can do to reduce the puffiness while living with moon face. She continued demonstrating how she rolls her face, admitting, I dont know guys, I try my best. How long will it take for my moon face to disppear. 4. How to get rid of a Cyst using Castor Oil How to Use Castor Oil for Sebaceous Cyst 4. Aloe Vera products are widely used in cosmetics, food supplements and in herbal remedies. But there's a c. A bruised eye can cause a lot of discomfort especially if it is painful or swollen. In such cases, use wet heat since its better when used on injuries as compared to dry heat. How Long Do Prednisone Side Effects Last? Acne scars come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and you may even have multiple types of acne scars on your skin. You can do this for about 5 minutes after every four hours. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, The amazing story of hepatitis C, from discovery to cure, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/endocrine-diseases/cushings-syndrome, https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/hashimoto-thyroiditis/, https://academic.oup.com/clinchem/article/66/5/658/5827413?login=true, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448184/, https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/blog/5-steps-body-neutrality, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6615391/, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jessica-Shiu/publication/323781428_Intramuscular_Steroids_in_the_Treatment_of_Dermatologic_Disease_A_Systematic_Review/links/60c11b984585157774c22af8/Intramuscular-Steroids-in-the-Treatment-of-Dermatologic-Disease-A-Systematic-Review.pdf, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6832997/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK531462/, Fast food consumption may increase the risk of liver disease. 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