Sun Square Lilith 052 -116 Saturn conjunct Algol: Very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries. I think I have something like that but am interested in transits involving Algol in my chart. In the olden times, people were well aware of this. Fixed stars, asteroids and other cosmic objects, Not necessarily. Mercury would be the best planet to have in Virgo, as this would be the natural scientist or someone who could pay a lot of detail. Mega Astrology Brainstorm: The 8th House and Things in the 8th House. How close are the Chiron oppositions? However, others hurt this sensitive person, as their own wounds are touched. If I had the $350 right now, I can give you all my birth details but I have to save up money every month until at least close to the beginning of spring 2019 or if I see a sudden jump in my finances before then. 12. Some people have admitted this to me. There was nothing about Medusa in Aspect to Venus. Judith has the fixed star MSNBC conjunct her Mercury. Moon Trine Uranus 125 129 To see the chart as a whole is the key! Asc 811, chiron 90, North node 1219, pallas 2234 -libra As a practicing astrological consultant, however, the present author has found that one or both of these stars prominent, even though afflicted, on ones horoscope makes for an excellent counselor to others in the time of bereavement, with a special gift for bring out the brighter spiritual significance of Death as the transition to Greater Life and this so very often relieves the counselor him or herself from the misery that others so commonly suffer in that area of life. I did not mean to say the person was not nice looking, Mary Ann. An added bonus Venus in Sagittarius. Progressed mercury squares progressed Uranus for example (well not much of a difference between pr or natal Uranus anyways) would have the same hard meaning (probable mental illness) or it is not as bad according to you? 96 people love it! My college was no highly gifted school and it was lots of thick books with massive amount of problems and facts. Influence of Algol: it causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and . Chiron sq Lilith could be pain with sexuality, maybe due to abuse or just being kind of shut down/fearful of ones body, in general.Thank you for your sweet comment and Welcome Monique! It hides what inhabits it. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.38, 130. 17th Aug. 1973. One good person who loves me. Mercury Combust the Sunthe closer the harder. Overall my approach can really be self-centered and this can lead to a lack of empathy and consideration for others. 26. Yes, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. It is only when it is in conjunction with Jupiter, and when the said conjunction receives soft aspects, that Algol may bring about power and wealth. Lets hope none of Williams children are badly affected.And if Diana had Venus conjunct Algol, then William himself is doubly affected by Algol. This can be good or bad, depending on which planets and how close. Sun sq. So really, MEDUSA is an aspect of the DIVINE MOTHER when she is prostituted, meaning when her christic energies are used towards materialistic et egoistic pursuits, then our inner Divine Mother becomes a monster. Thank you, Love. Its the same as tropical astrology but the signs are pushed back 23 degrees and it deals with the constellations in the sky. Fixed star Aldebaran is found at 9 47' Gemini in the right eye of the bull in Taurus. God's military commander and opposite his nemesis Antares in the Scorpion. i also have a capricorn moon though, cap IC with a hard family life, sun square uranus with the classic absent/dangerous father story, an 8th house stellium and 4th house moon 12th house mars. Sun and Mercury were conjunct Algol. 6. I would need to do a chart to really talk about this any authority. Blog Categories. I cannot find one saving grace in this barbarian who stands on his lying haunches and sends derogatory remarks about patriotic workers of our democracy.\. Virgo as the only sign that suffers?? Come post your chart and we will talk ! Tkumel (1940s onwards), novels and games by M. A. R. Barker. Saturn 19.Neptune Sq. My great great grandfather was murdered by his own country for trying to gain Cuba's independence even though he was a Spaniard. I agree,when Elizabeth passes, William might flake out. Transits 12 January 2020, mass formation 9th cusp. i have to disagree with the 15th and 20th. Thank you for a great article. Progressed planets are not as strong as natal ones. Ruler of the 12th House in Houses Astrology. , I am so thankful for your comment. Just glad Mars is safely tucked away in Leo, otherwise I'd have to watch my head! We often find Algol in the charts of people who work in the media or who are artists of some kind. Williams two sons both have some rather concerning, unpleasant natal aspects. Uranus Trine Ascendant 156 28 Could you please tell me what Progressed IC @ Algol 26 Taurus would indicate? and its conjunct my IC in the 4th house, does this mean the ending of my life may be violent? This guy abuseded me very differently though I suppose at the time hed fit the description of malignant narcissist or something close. Indeed she is, without doubt, counted the most malefic of all stars in astrology, even though Ptolemy gives her the less obviously ominous Saturn-Jupiter styling. Very informative. Have experience with that? Its only with Saturns permission that we can reap rewards, even if Jupiter were in play, Saturn could block or cause frustration, especially if resisted. The factors that overlap between the majority are what pass as having the most validity. Algol, alias Caput Medusa, is the Demon herself. This means that in astrology Algol has always been associated with the balance between a sane mind and enlightenment. The one glimmer of hope I had was that perhaps I would be able to make these squares work for me or that whatever lessons I am meant to learn from them will come full circle if I continue working on myself. Most of my personal planets are in Virgo and my other personal planet of Mars is in Sagittarius, thereby squaring every remaining personal planet. [3]. Jesus, the man I love has a 12th house stellium Pluto, Mars and Uranus. Wow fascinating about Uranus sq Saturn and it makes a lot of sense. Planets do not work well when in the Fall. These guys make me more happy of my african ancestry, what our ancestors accomplished and overcame, and the different hair textures in our ethnicity, making us so diverse. You are not alone there. In astrology, Neptune is a planet that we associate with alcohol as well and is linked to blurred boundaries. [1]. I would need you to put it in my Forum or purchase a reading from me. Thank you for that. And unaspected moon except for like sextile mars or something which makes sense because the only people who reciprocated my giving nature was those who respected my fighting history, grew up into sort of a gangish thing and its how I sort of grew up with nothing else. Always in the dentist office. It is very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries if Algol is conjunction Sun, Moon or the malefics. Thank YOU so much for sharing and Welcome Paige! Although the 7th house is generous, friendly, and romantic, Taurus in the lower octave is egotistical. I havent been abused. your 10th house is your reputation/public persona and your career. Moon in the 12th need to be intimate and close to others but fear and vulnerability stop it. On December 9, 1984, research on casualties at Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to the Alta Summit, the beginnings of the Human Genome Project. it doesnt need the square. Algol has both powers to be a demon and to protect from demons. I was wondering if you could give me some insight on my Chiron square Lilith/ Lilith conjunct MC in Cancer. I did have a very turbulent childhood and was abused only to leave home quite early into the arms of another abuser. He puts his emotions in his stomach and has stomach problems. Many people who have Algol in their chart, particularly in aspect to their Ascendant (which rules image) are often extremely good looking, but perhaps in a slightly unexpected way which bewitches people around them. Jupiter only aspects those 2 planets in my case. Uranus in Sagittarius at 10 34. Johnny Depp also has this placement. 3. . Any Moon in the 12th House in a mans chartSuppression of emotions and marries a cruel woman. For instance I have sensitive Neptune in Scorpio rising. There is not the needed distance. Neptune Quincunx mc, This question would take my doing an entire chart. It makes one very susceptible to Trump Derangement Syndrome, and completely unable to see that the Democratic Party and the Mainstream Media are the true bringers of evil. You can even look at my natal charts on my Facebook page under my sidereal astrological photo album section. The Unaspected Moon is a child who never grew up. FFS stop believing everything the lamestream media tells you. I have Algol conj Saturn Rx in 1H Taurus. From: Registered: Sep 2012. posted October 03, 2013 05:28 PM. Moon conj. And could be Valued even Higher if we get unusual occurrences on November 2nd or December 21. My mother and my 1st (and really only friend as a child) both had prominent Virgo and Pisces placements. Water Voidthese people do not understand how they effect others, so they put their foots in their mouths and are off putting to others. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979), novel by Douglas Adams. Mercury Sextile Lilith 239 62 I didnt know the 5th house pertains to royalty. The Unaspected Moon is the one Unaspected planet which is not a gift to the native. Biggest nonsense I have read. Please do not fret, Gloria, you were born to handle and work with those energies! The 12th House is the hardest house. Nigel Farage 136, If you are interested in Brees services please click: Brees Services. xx. in it is in conjunction with the Sun or the Moon, or the ruler of the Ascendant, or the ruler of the 8th House, the individual is very likely to experience a violent death. The English translation became Demon Star, with other names being Satans Head, the Spectres Head. Venus, Sun, Saturn, Pholus, Jupiter, Mercury, Dejaniera, Chiron in 1st. Venus Sextile Jupiter 318 140 The name Algol comes from the Arabic word , meaning Head of the Ogre. I have Nessus and Pluto widely conjunct (4 degrees) in the twelfth house both Rx and I am not an abuser. But my nessus conjuncts my North Node. Well yes thats interesting. I have algol conj Hygeia, and that is conjunct my vertex which is conjunct Misma, this all seems kinda influential in my life, any thoughts on what this could mean? Hard things lead us to Him. xox, I would have to disagree with you with the first house stuff pertaining to Neptune in the 1st this makes a person very self sacrificing not selfish, almost to the point where they can lose themselves, and Im a Scorpio Rising and rather boney Gemini sun as well I am short and skinny. I have Jupiter squaring my Sun and Mercury. It's easy for them to get very attached to others because the way they love is very intense and deep. Then, it is all worth it, my Friend. If anything, Id say that when applying discipline to creative endeavors, albeit frustrating, will be rewarding, especially those of a feminine expression (connecting to nature, nurturing activities such as cooking for others). ; Venus sq Mars; Jupiter sq Saturn; Uranus sq Neptune and for good measure Sun sq Neptune, Vesta; Moon sq Uranus and Chiron; Vesta sq Chiron and Saturn sq Pluto. It certainly turned my life upside down, i packed up me and my 2 children(both under 3) got on a bus in the middle of the night with $175 to start our lives overheaded across the United States to a place I didnt know, my ex had to hire private eye to find us.but I couldnt let my kids be hurt like I was! look forward to talking more on my Forum and look forward to your lovely photo! Pluto in the 12thHas a secret fantasy life or a kind of double life where he/she is the good one and the bad one. Theres a difference between optimism and being delusional. When is this going to end? When uranus finally breaks free of Saturn and starts to breath it can go crazy, like a starving person is ravenous for food uranus is ravenous for freedom and to have its needs mean something! Other parts of the body can be affected here, especially the thymus gland which in turn affects the lymph nodes. Moon is in the Fall in Scorpio. With Virgo Sun, he is too hard on himself. It also loosens our tongues, but we may lie as a result of being intoxicated. It is associated with Charles Manson types. And do you think we will pay the parents of these unaccompanied children?! This is also why it takes them a . You made my day. But I love houses. Full of seriousness, perfectionism, and optimism at the same time; Jupiter doesnt do the best in 3rd, but hell, I still make it work. Monica Bellucci has cap in her asc. I have learned so much from your articles and I just think youre great! The person may be very self oriented, such that others are put off and the person does not know why. The dark side of Algol, however, can also mean an overload of information which we cant comprehend or which threatens to take over our mind. You may not reproduce, republish, perform, sell, or otherwise use any content contained within this post without express written permission. i have a pisces south node so i get really perturbed when i lose time in stressful situations or lose touch with reality. I do have a Trine involving Moon and Mercury and a sextile involving a Pisces Jupiter. Aaaand theres my Aquarius Saturn squaring the lot of them. but thats not true for you. Hence, the Unaspected Moon suffers a great deal from his inherent nature. I feel like the Nessus Pluto conjunction is a carry-over from a past life which I can partly remember and have many times dreamt about. My goal is to somehow make a difference before I am gone, and to be a strong role model for my 5 granddaughters. I like to dominate in sex. Algol is located in this constellation as the myth says that Perseus was the one who cut off the famous snake-covered head of Medusa, and so the fixed star is situated in the middle of Medusas head. Algol conjunct the ASC. Required fields are marked *. It takes me forever, and much consultation of several of my favorite tomes. Personality Traits Pluto in the 8th House, Eclipses, New, Full Moons North & South Nodes Accurately Predict the Future. The Algol Star. The son of God inside of you is your own savior thats gonne conquer the monster, slay the dragon, etc PEREUS is your sporitual self MEDUSA is your split psychological self. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. I am sorry. Pluto conjunct Algol: Mata Hari 005, Albert Einstein 014, Charles II of England 044, Edgar Cayce 131. Sun This was written 2 years ago, but I just had to respond. If a person had many other factors plus this square, they would have more of a struggle. The presence of Algol in the eighth house seems questionable. [6], Fixed star Algol star rules one-quarter inch up the base of the neck in the human body. The whole chart must be looked at, but for teaching purposes, one may have to generalize, but one must keep in mind it it just that. mars square DES Pluto Opposition Ascendant 429 -11, can u please tell me which aspects are bad for me by the way i am new to this astrology stuff but i do know somewhat of it, This would take me t days, as do my natal charts, Love. Interpretation of the 8th house, embracing a loose, poetic, storytelling, brainstorm-style of writing. This one you have to nourrish in order for it to SAVE you. Could she pass out of his life ? According to Julevno, it causes success through efforts, followed by ruin and death. They are in sidereal astrological format. Jupiter in Capricorn at 08 25. very often i know what im doing is wrong but in the heat of the moment i do it anyway, might later feel proud about how ruthless i am too. In modern terminology, alcohol also comes from the word Algol and this tells us more about the nature of this fixed star. He does not like to be the aggressor in sex, either, which can be a problem for most woman, who want the man to be. I hear you. Cant win them all For example, Mercury conjunct the Sun is a blessing when it is at 6 degrees. The fixed star Algol is also part of the Perseus constellation and historically . We were all super co-dependent with each other. Saturn 719, juno1029 -aries I guess I'll have to wait and see how this pans out. He is too close to himself, such as one house which is too close to another house. Each degree matters. I disagree with no.10s self-oriented statement. YESI will add that. I have completely forgotten his birthday, all these years later. 25. I dont like to post it publicly, but I could really use some advice. Come put up your chart, dear one. Sun square Ascendant. Sara Aldrete 021, Robert Downey Jr. 031, Pablo Picasso 058, Eric Burdon 058 (and Venus and Uranus), Kamala Harris 140, John F. Kennedy 158. Maybe I am both. I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. My Mercury square Neptune manifests in the way I express myself, Ive been told Im very creative. True node opposite mc I may offer a cheaper reading than my full blown one that takes over week over intensive work for me. Totally agree with you thereif parents put their children in harms way its not the fault of the USA if it turns out badly. As someone who has prominent Uranus, Neptune and Pluto placements with Capricorn rising 29. The placement of Venus in the 8th house affects the natal chart in many ways. Charlotte has {natal} Mars in the 12th. These beings should consult spiritual healers who can make life a bit more comfortable for them as it will help open up the energy at this point and balance it with the rest of the system. I think Virgo is so hard because I think it is ruled bu Chiron, the planet of pain. Which is worse? It is now considered to be a point in your chart that shows you losing your head over something or someone. There is no quick way to be able to pull all the details forever. Wow! Its image is a human head cut off at the neck. Do you say that about mine and my dads relationship because of the Saturn/Sun conjunction? Tucker Carlson 005, Liberace 010, Marshal Applewhite 018, Debra Winger 019, Cosimo de Medici 019, Tori Spelling 028, Graig Ferguson 040, Megan Fox 056, Josh Homme 058, Zara Phillips 102, John Frawley 111, Brian Eno 115, Marshall Applewhite 118, Trent Reznor 119, Georges Braque 135, Don Bachardy 136, Pope John Paul II 146, Andy Murray 148, Erik Satie 153, Che Guevara 155, Yannick Noah 158. Yeah, I havemainly trines, and sextiles.easy aspects. The teeth, nose or ears may also be striking in some way, either extremely beautiful, large or deformed. I dont class myself as being abused. Mars square Jupiter. This makes me stay on earth. Overall, thank you for your cut and clear honesty and I appreciate everything that you do. If also in no aspect to a benefic, or there is no benefic in the 8th house, and the dispositor of the Sun in a day nativity or if the Moon in the night one is in square or opposition to Mars, the native will be beheaded; if the luminary culminate he will be maimed, mangled, wounded or torn to pieces alive; and if Mars is at the same time in Gemini or Pisces his hands or feet will be cut off. Every 69 hours, its magnitude dips for about 10 hours before returning to full brightness again. With his extremely powerful energy, Algol would have spoiled my mystic rectangle which includes Mercury in early degrees of Gemini. I like tropical, vedic, and sidereal astrology because you need to see yourself from all views and angles to get a true representation of your soul evolution and character development. However, in the few cases of severe child abuse and murder in the family as seen below, the Mars-Pluto aspect shows up too frequently to be a "coincidence". That is everything and Jesus can tell you anything and heal anything xoxo. uranus square 1c Even then, it has to be noted that those particular persons will have difficulties and obstacles in their way, and they have to use much energy to overcome these handicaps. Written 2 years ago, but I just had to respond not fret Gloria. Its the same as tropical astrology but the signs are pushed back 23 degrees it! So much from your articles and I am gone, and gives a and... Of this fixed star Algol is also part of the Ogre about the nature of this star. 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